229, Ignacio L. Vallarta, Zona Romántica, Emiliano Zapata, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México
Manicure Express 200
They file and/or cut their nails, polishing them.
Cut and/or remove the cuticles and apply a nutrient oil.
Se liman y/o corta las uñas, abrillantándolas.
Cortamos y/o retiramos las cutículas y se aplica un aceite nutriente.
35m Manicure
Pedicure Express330
hey file and/or cut their nails, polishing them.
Cut and/or remove the cuticles and apply a nutrient oil.
Se liman y/o corta las uñas, abrillantándolas.
Cortamos y/o retiramos las cutículas y se aplica un aceite nutriente.
30m Pedicure
Manicure Spa500
We will immerse our hands in a container with water and liquid remover, we will continue with light massage with relaxing gel, intense exfoliation, extra attention to the cuticle and we will finish with a comforting paraffin bath for deep hydration, We recommend repeating the experience once a month.
Sumergiremos las manos en un recipiente con agua y liquido removedor, seguiremos con ligero masaje con gel relajante, exfoliación intensa, atención extra a la cutícula y terminaremos con un reconfortante baño de parafina para una hidratación profunda, Recomendamos repetir la experiencia una vez al mes.
Beauty treatment for your hands and nails. This basic manicure includes nail shaping, cuticle care, hand and arm massage, finished off with perfectly polished nails.
Happy Yogi Massage160
Restore your body after a vigorous yoga class with our special healing massage including a mix of relaxing techniques such as deep tissue strokes and swedish massage, gentle passive stretching and a taste of sound therapy. The perfect package for our yogis
Enjoy our treatments that harmonize the mind, body, and spirit, allowing you to connect with yourself on a profound level.
Vegan Collagen Facial160
Discover the one-of-a-kind 100% vegan Collagen lifting and firming treatment. It revives cell regeneration, reduces wrinkles, and leaves your skin feeling wonderfully soft.
Our Nourishing Facials are meticulously crafted to replenish your skins vitality and leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Reveal your radiant inner glow.